

A new concept capable of bringing out deep memories of two ancient traditions and which incorporates in every little detail all the authenticity of a young, ambitious and certainly one-of-a-kind project. A combination of techniques, taste and sensations will transport you to a parallel world where memories will re-emerge together with new emotions capable of making you live a UNIQUE experience.

All this is Nia, a restaurant and Food-boutique born in Palma from the idea of Mario Siano and Stefania Bifulco. A place that acts as a spokesperson for good cuisine with the aim of promoting a healthy diet that respects traditions and cultural identities, all set up to rediscover the pleasure of eating well, with conscience, in a rustic industrial-style location with oriental scents, where you can taste in company. Because? Because "good food brings people together".

What is the Giappoletanità?

Let's say that it is my being, the cross between my origins (bells) and a culture from which I am very fascinated and from which I am inspired not only with regard to the culinary aspect (the Japanese one).

I tried to bring back the essence of the two cultures in the dishes I create, blending them deeply.

Our fusion is not limited only to the combination of two single ingredients, but rather to the study of the raw materials and cooking techniques of the two cultures and then blending them together, giving life to dishes with unique nuances. And it is precisely for this reason that we speak of the union between Tradition and Innovation.


MARIO SIANO - Founder & Executive Chef

Mario was not born as a chef, on the contrary he comes from a completely different world and other studies. He graduated in communication sciences in 2008 and after some experiences in various companies, in 2012 he created his own agency which led him in a few years to collaborate with well-known companies on the regional and national scene. He specializes in digital marketing and social media marketing focusing on the fashion and especially the food market.

Hence the first intersection with one of his great passions: cooking, passed on to him by his mother Regina and grandmother Concetta. For Mario, every excuse is a good one to get in the kitchen, from dinners with friends, to small collaborations with clubs in the Neapolitan hinterland. Over time he acquires more and more familiarity and studies first as a self-taught and then with professionals the Italian cuisine and above all that of his beloved region, Campania. Gradually the passion becomes stronger and more present in daily life thanks also to his work that allows him to manage the managerial part of many companies operating in the food & beverage market. Despite his commitments, together with his partner Stefania, he decides to give life to the dream that was hidden in the drawer, that of having his own restaurant that reflects his being creative and unconventional, a little crazy, as he likes to define himself. And it is precisely in this way that in April 2019 Nia Restaurant was born, a unique place where tradition meets innovation, a laboratory of ideas and experiments that start from a single point, Campania and its products of excellence, to then expand and touch other cultures. It is precisely in the fusion that all Mario's creativity is enclosed, which a few months after opening, gives life to a very interesting culinary project, dictated by his admiration for a culture and a wonderful country: to merge the traditional cuisine of Campania with the kitchen traditional Japanese. The project was immediately appreciated and also became a brand registered under the name MooShi “Muzzarell & Fusion”, a name that embodies the essence of the two cultures. This Nippo-Campano style leads him to study with Master Hiroiko Shoda, starred Chef and ambassador in the world of traditional Japanese cuisine. In this period he acquired the history, techniques and notions of Japanese cuisine, graduating as a Japanese chef.

Back in the kitchen of his restaurant, he throws himself headlong into the creation of new dishes and new fusions, never losing the desire and the ability to train and open up to new horizons.

So much so that he obtained the hotel high school diploma so as to close the circle and also start the new adventure as a trainer.

His motto with which he faces every challenge and everyday life is:

The future comes where ideas shine.
